Saturday, 4 June 2011


I have just come off Facebook after "chatting" to my sister in Scotland and can't believe how good it is.  In my previous blog entry on Facebook I was a bit sceptical about the whole thing and was quite sure that I wouldn't use it, but am now beginning to have a rethink!  It really is quite amazing and, as long as you're careful about privacy, it is a wonderful bit of technology.  Thank you Web 2.0 Training!

Monday, 16 May 2011


At long last I've managed to finish the Web 2.0 Basic Training Course and what a relief! I have to be totally honest here and say that I found it all a bit of information overload, very time-consuming and a real chore! This may be due to the fact that I did the entire course from home in my own time (only working part-time, most of which is on desk, and not having my own designated computer, I felt it would just be easier). Also, I have to admit to spending way more than 1 hour on each lesson, just trying to absorb the material. Some parts of it I really struggled with, others I sailed through. I really am a technophobe - I must be one of the few people who doesn't even use a mobile 'phone! A couple of months down the line, will I remember what I've learned? I'm not so sure.

On a more positive note, I did appreciate the opportunity to learn a bit more about what fantastic technology is out there. Working in a public library, I guess we really need to embrace all things that make accessing information easier, if not for ourselves, then definitely for the public. I'm definitely more knowledgeable about the terminology at least. Much of the course I wouldn't personally use. Facebooking and Twitter are not for me, much rather spend my time constructively, but I did like LibraryThing and hope to continue using this.

What will now become of my Blog?. Well, I guess like Miss Haversham's wedding feast in Dickens' "Great Expectations", it will sit somewhere in cyberspace gathering dust and cobwebs!


Finally, something that gets us away from the computer and out into the sunshine - a definite thumbs up from me. I had never come across Geocaching before but think it's a wonderful idea, especially for inquisitive children with lots of energy to burn, good for adults too. It was nice to learn of something that families could do together, instead of parents sitting in one room whilst the children zone out on a computer in the other. Getting people to interact and chat to each other, instead of facebooking, has to be a good thing. Off to Switzerland in July, perhaps I'll seek out a geocache!

Not quite sure how we would implement geocaching in our library, but I do agree with my colleague, wellidclare, that it would be an excellent way for Mandurah City Council to promote and encourage tourists into the Peel Region.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Back again - realised only recently that the Web 2.0 course should have been completed by 8th May! that means that I'm already 3 days late. Still, I don't think I'm the only one dragging her/his heels! Where does the time go?

Just finished reading all about Podcasts and was most impressed. It was certainly new to me, I had never even heard of the term - that's how far behind the times I am! Perhaps Mandurah City Council should listen to the Scientific American podcast on mosquitoes. Did you know that if we can figure out a way to make them (the mosquitoes that is, not the councillors) have trouble digesting a hot meal (i.e. our blood!) then they'll produce fewer eggs which, in turn, means fewer mozzies (great for mozzie infested Mandurah). Mandurah scientists - don your thinking caps!

Podcasting would be great for our library. We could have podcasts of author talks, allowing people who are unable to attend in person to listen/view the talk from home at a time that suits them. Also podcasts of all the activities available at the library, from Rhymetime and storytime to school holiday activities and lots more besides. I know, I know, I said the same thing in my previous blog on online videos.

I'm no Don Burke, but I do really enjoy gardening and had a look at the Gardening Australia podcast. Whilst I'm not sure if I would subscribe, I would certainly log on should I miss an episode on television.

Week 9 of the course complete - hallelujah! Only one more lesson to go and then I'm done.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


I have to admit to not knowing much about YouTube, although husband and son use it quite a bit, mainly to watch nonsense.  From time to time they will call on me to come and watch something funny, but that is the extent of my use of it.  I think our library could use online video quite effectively to promote upcoming events at the library.  It would be great to film children's storytime (not sure if the children's librarian thinks of herself as a movie star though!) and the writer's who come to give talks at the library. Filming the annual Christmas party for our housebound readers would also be a good idea, allowing viewers the opportunity of seeing just how much the library does. It's not all just about issuing and returning books!

Being the proud mother that I am, I have chosen to embed a video clip of my son, a budding David Beckham, at least he'd like to think so. He's the cool dude in the No.9 shirt.

Monday, 9 May 2011


   Now, I can finish blogging about Week 7 of the course!.  I fully intended to post a blog about Twitter the day after my last blog on Facebook, but alas life, and computer problems, got in the way. Here now, so what can I say about Twitter?  Having read the article about the earthquake, I can appreciate that a networking tool like Twitter can be hugely beneficial to those trying to get in touch with loved ones when all other means of communication are down (this is assuming they have their 'phone with them and,  who, apart from me,  doesn't nowadays?). However, using it on a day to day basis wouldn't be for me - I lead a very ordinary life (no sex scandals, no double life), so don't really think I'd have anything interesting to say.  Who cares if I spent the morning deadheading the roses, or cleaning the bathroom  or going to woolies for the shopping? Did I say I lead an ordinary life? maybe boring would be more appropriate.  There is also the time factor - would I be bothered starting up my computer to add a tweet?  I don't think so.  Still for the purposes of this course I shall do my best to say something for 5 days in a row.

In summary, I think it's okay for the rich and famous, but not for me.  Did you know that Lady Gaga has 9.5 million followers and Justin Bieber 9 million - it's a strange old world we live in.  Moving onto Week 8 of the course ......

P.S.  Almost forgot, I'm known on Twitter as CiaransMum1.

Sunday, 24 April 2011


I'm  now half way through Week 7 of the Web 2.0 course and have just managed to open a Facebook page.  I have to admit that I was very very reluctant to jump on the Facebook bandwagon, but was informed by a work colleague that it was part of the course and I had to!  Call me an old fashioned gal, but I would much rather chat to a person face to face or even pick up the telephone.  Being an immigrant to Australia from Scotland I guess I can understand the attraction of Facebook for keeping in touch with family and friends, but, like I say, I would much rather pick up the 'phone, hear the person's voice and have a good old chin wag that way.  Not quite sure how we would use it in a library setting.  My main concern about Facebook is the privacy issue and the fact that your information is out there, floating around in cyberspace.  I even contemplated joining with the fake moniker, Morag MacTavish, but thought I was maybe being a bit paranoid!  Then, of course, there are all those horrible stories of bullying on line. What if someone asks to be your friend and you don't want to reciprocate? - it seems a bit mean to ignore or delete their request.  I don't like to hurt people's feelings.  Also, it's just one more thing, in a busy day, to check (it takes me all my time to remember to check my emails!). 

However, having said all that, I had no sooner opened my Facebook account, when I experienced a flicker of excitement when I noticed I had 2 friend requests and a message!  Will I use Facebook after this course has finished?  I don't think so but, then again, stranger things have happened!.