Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Back again - realised only recently that the Web 2.0 course should have been completed by 8th May! that means that I'm already 3 days late. Still, I don't think I'm the only one dragging her/his heels! Where does the time go?

Just finished reading all about Podcasts and was most impressed. It was certainly new to me, I had never even heard of the term - that's how far behind the times I am! Perhaps Mandurah City Council should listen to the Scientific American podcast on mosquitoes. Did you know that if we can figure out a way to make them (the mosquitoes that is, not the councillors) have trouble digesting a hot meal (i.e. our blood!) then they'll produce fewer eggs which, in turn, means fewer mozzies (great for mozzie infested Mandurah). Mandurah scientists - don your thinking caps!

Podcasting would be great for our library. We could have podcasts of author talks, allowing people who are unable to attend in person to listen/view the talk from home at a time that suits them. Also podcasts of all the activities available at the library, from Rhymetime and storytime to school holiday activities and lots more besides. I know, I know, I said the same thing in my previous blog on online videos.

I'm no Don Burke, but I do really enjoy gardening and had a look at the Gardening Australia podcast. Whilst I'm not sure if I would subscribe, I would certainly log on should I miss an episode on television.

Week 9 of the course complete - hallelujah! Only one more lesson to go and then I'm done.


  1. Been very naughty and not commenting on five other blogs each week so may fail my course. Have to comment on yours Weescotlady because I have to agree with so many of your observations and comments on the training to date! Didn't even realise I had gone over the due date sob thanks for that bit of info! Will definitely do it before end of June!

  2. Weescotslady, you are a wealth of knowledge!

  3. I find that I agree: there are some podcasts that are interesting, though I wouldn't subcribe to the podcasts as it would be an information overload for me.

  4. I was impressed with postcasting also. 1 week to go!
