Sunday, 13 March 2011

New to the blogging world

Hi there everyone,
I've made it this far with this blogging malarky and just wanted to make sure that it was working okay.  I must be one of the most computer illiterate people around, so feel justifiably proud of myself! After reading through week 3 of the Web 2.0 Basics Training I've even managed to attach a photograph! (Its only taken me about 1 hour, lol - I'm even using some cool teenage speak here!) .  It feels very strange putting a picture of myself out there in cyberspace, but at least no-one can sue me for using their image.  I'm finding it all quite amazing actually, if a little confusing.  Not quite sure yet how it will all fit into working in a library but am looking forward to continuing on with the course.  I really need to drag myself into the 21st Century and become more familiar with all the wonderful technology out there.


  1. Well done Audrey - you've made a great start!

  2. I think all of us 'more senior' staff members are going to find this course a little more challenging than the younger ones. That doesn't mean that we can't rise to the challenge. Seems we are all attacking it with gusto. BTW you have used the same background pic as me. Wonder how many others of us have chosen the same. Janine
