Tuesday, 5 April 2011

An Introduction to Wikis

Following the tutorial on RSS feeds I found this one surprisingly easy to understand and what a good idea.  I think wikis could definitely be used in a library setting and to great effect.  It would be particularly good for Job Instruction Guides, where staff who share a specific task could get together and come up with the most efffective procedure.  Coordinating events is another area where a wiki could be a real Godsend.   Previously I had absolutely no idea where the term "wikipedia" came from (hadn't even thought about it) - now I do!  Having a bit of trouble signing up for wiki wetpaint - maybe my computer's too tired or perhaps I am.  Will try again a bit later.

On a  more depressing note, I have just opened my Gmail Reader account and can't seem to find the five web sites I subscribed to earlier!  Perhaps they're hiding? Hells Bells - back to the drawing board....


  1. I have spent the best part of an hour on this module - am I doing something wrong. Watching all those funny American teaching videos takes a bit of time. also opening all my pages with all of my names and passwords. Glad to see someone else as far behind as I am! Think the Wikis have a definite place in the library - at the very least amongst staff. T

  2. I think using wikis for jigs is a great idea! It would certainly reduce confusion and help introduce new staff to procedures.

  3. There seems to be a general consensus that wikis would be great for Job Instruction Guides and procedures. Maybe that should be our next project after the Web 2.0 training is completed ...

  4. I had trouble with wiki wetpaint also, but got there in the end, I think!

  5. Ditto, Troy and A and Teena. Staff procedures tend to change on a regular basis - an excellent excuse to use wikis!
