Friday, 22 April 2011


Well, today is Good Friday, husband and son have gone to Church and I'm sitting here in front of the computer!!  I really wish I had gone with them as I could certainly do with some divine intervention to help me get my head around Week 6 of the Web 2.0 training course!  Firstly, I have to agree with my colleague, wellidclare, that the course seems to be getting more confusing as the weeks go by - and here was me thinking, nae hoping, that a great big light would go on and I would be much more computer literate by now, but alas no!.  I have struggled big time with Delicious, although I did manage to set up a Delicious account.  Whether or not I'll be able to access it again at a later date is another story.  There just seemed to be such a lot of information to take in and I'm not sure if I would use it personally.

As for LibraryThing, well this I did "get" and think it's a terrific idea and, being an avid reader, is something I would definitely use.  How fantastic to build up my own library of books I've read and enjoyed and to be able to read the reviews on them.  It would also be a great idea for Book Clubs.  I've added a few books that sprung to mind (how easy it is to forget what you have already read) and now that I know how to do this I hope to add to it on a regular basis.

I have easily been sitting in front of this screen for about 2 hours, there are some cadbury chocolate eggs in the fridge and I now intend to treat myself (to hang with weightwatchers!).  I need some kind of reward for getting, i.e. struggling through, Week 6 of the course.  Dare I Say, I anticipate Week 7 of the course with a measure of trepidation!!


  1. Well done weescotlady.... I'm very proud of you. Go easy on those eggs though after all that hard workp wipth Weightwatchers!!!

    Sent via my iPad (birthday pressie) ..... Isn't technology wonderful?!!

  2. Yes, this is great weescotlady! I have spent over 2 hours of Good Friday sat at the computer but havn't attacked the easter eggs yet. Looking forward to chilling with a DVD and nice drink shortly!

  3. Finally finished week 6, after 3 attempts! I like LibraryThing and found this part of the training easy to follow

  4. LOL!

    LibraryThing could be a useful in recommending to patrons similar books to ones they have read.
